Best Free React Templates of 2022

Getting something out of nothing is a favourite pastime for many people. As a result, freebies and giveaways are always good for businesses in the short and long term. Freebies in web design are treated the same way. Web developers that give free tools or solutions gain vital exposure to their skills and open up more prospects as a result. The web is awash with helpful, priceless React dashboard templates, both free and paid. For your next React admin dashboard project, we’ve compiled this great assortment of free React templates just for you. In today’s corporate world, it is common knowledge that effective dashboards are essential.


With dashboards, you’ll be able to see the big picture of how your company is doing. Performance and data may be tracked in real time with ease. It will also save you a lot of time when it comes to building the app’s administration. You’ll find all the resources you need to use ReactJS to build a dashboard for your business. So, instead of wasting time creating your own, take a look at these pre-built templates and get started on your next great project.

Shards Dashboard React

There are several custom templates and components included in the Shards React admin dashboard template. You may use it in any setting because of its simple yet stylish design. Bootstrap and build-react-app are used to construct a strong admin dashboard framework. As a result, you may create magnificent client-side web apps using the Flux design.


ReactJS version of Director Responsive Admin Template Free

Director Admin has it everything and more, from a stunning look to an impressive array of functionality. Many useful features are included in this package, including progress bars and statistics, as well as the ability to display a drop-down menu and show the current time. All of these ReactJS Director Admin parts and components help to expedite the creation of an admin.


React Admin Dashboard Template – React & Material Design

Many dashboards may be found on the internet. However, the ones that are available for free are an excellent alternative. The React Admin Dashboard Template is one of these free React templates that is responsive, inventive, and responsive. There are a variety of dashboard designs, data visualizations, and other components included with this admin dashboard template


AntD Admin

A React admin dashboard could be a good option to explore for your company. Check out these free React templates if you’re looking for an easy way to get your projects up and running. It’s made with Ant Design and UmiJs, and you can see it here: AntD Admin. It is designed with robust internalisation capabilities to extract translation fields from source code, load language packs, dynamic permissions, and so forth.



When it comes to developing administrative software, React Admin is an excellent tool to have on hand. ES6, React, and Material Design were utilized in its development. Check out these free React templates if you want to design your admin dashboard using the widely used technology ReactJS, and if you want to do it quickly and easily.


Crystal React Bootstrap Dashboard

Crystal React Bootstrap Dashboard is a gorgeous admin dashboard that was built with React, Redux, and Bootstrap. It may be used for a variety of purposes. It has a large number of React components that are straightforward and easy to implement. This dashboard may be used to generate many other kinds of dashboards, including ones for your health, your workers, and your organization.


made with react.js

This design gives you the ability to change the background colour of the sidebar to any one of these five fantastic colours: orange, blue, green, and yellow. This template also contains one hundred really useful Nucleo icons, in addition to maps, alerts, tables, and more. It is completely responsive and an excellent choice for admin labels, project management systems, content management systems, or customer relationship management.


React Reduction

Please check out these free React dashboard templates we’ve put up for your future app projects. For your app’s dashboard, have a look at this example of React Reduction. Free admin template made with React and Bootstrap 4 with a clean, elegant, and professional style is available here. Numerous widgets, cards, charts, and pages are all pre-loaded and ready to use.


React Admin Dashboard Template & UI Components Library

Time is our most precious asset and we want to help you save it by building simple, adaptable and easy to understand React.js UI components and React.js Admin Templates that save development time dramatically. CoreUI gives everything you need to develop contemporary, elegant, and responsive React.js-based apps, saving you thousands of precious hours.


Tabler React

Admin dashboards aren’t only beneficial, they’re critical for keeping tabs on your company’s success. One of the most popular free admin dashboard templates on the market is Tabler React. React and Bootstrap are used to build Tabler React. Using React templates, you’ll have an indispensable dashboard tool at your disposal.



Many like creating something from nothing. Freebies and giveaways benefit businesses short- and long-term. Web design freebies are similar. Web developers that offer free tools or solutions earn visibility and additional prospects. Free and premium React dashboard templates abound online. We’ve prepared free React templates for your next admin dashboard project. Effective dashboards are vital in today’s corporate world.