CSS Parallax Effects

Parallax is a 3D effect that is used on several websites to enhance the aesthetics of online pages. As we scroll, the backdrop of the web pages moves at a different speed than the foreground, creating the illusion of motion and movement and drawing the viewer’s attention and interest. When used correctly and subtly, it may elevate your site to the next level and undoubtedly help it make an impact. While this is rather common in video games, it is becoming an increasing trend in website design. Make use of this 100 per cent free and open-source collection of css parallax effects code samples for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Some are made entirely with CSS, while others are more complicated.

There is considerable misunderstanding regarding parallax design and how it works on the web. In general, parallax design makes use of movement to create a sense of depth on a page. This can refer to backdrop modifications or objects in semi-fixed positions that scroll along with the user. We’ve discussed several instances from websites but haven’t discussed the approaches in detail. We’ve selected some of our favourite css parallax effects for this collection. Have a look!

Broken Glass Filter

The shattered glass filter creates the effect of a backdrop picture that has been divided into several pieces. It nearly appears as though the image was on a sheet of glass that shattered, fracturing and skewing the image. You can duplicate this effect using only CSS, and it’s one of those nice effects that’s fun to create but may have little practical application outside of beautiful designs. Nonetheless, this is a stunning demonstration of parallax depth and motion when scrolling.


Canvas Parallax Skyline

css parallax effects

Occasionally, parallax designs use mouse movement in addition to scrolling capabilities. This canvas design generates an infinite skyline effect that changes in response to the movement of the mouse on the page. The viewing angle changes as you move your mouse. However, the animation remains consistent, and you can see how this skyline moves with a distinct visual hierarchy. Naturally, this requires JavaScript for the animation, as it is a very complicated concept. However, it is not something you will see on many websites, and hence will not be copied to your site. However, as a parallax idea, this one is rather intriguing.


Starry Parallax Background

While this effect has nothing to do with scrolling, it is inextricably linked to parallax design. It uses pure CSS to generate a parallax star motion in the page’s backdrop. You may overlay text and even a content section on the page, but the stars instantly provide depth. Although the animation is implemented in CSS, this snippet makes use of Sass and Compass, which you should familiarise yourself with before making modifications.


Scrolling Background-Image Parallax

css parallax effects

I previously discussed how scroll speed might vary depending on the pace at which the background-position changes. To illustrate how this works in practice, consider the following scenario. Please keep in mind that you will need to utilise the scrollbar to view the effects in this example. I experimented with the mouse wheel and noticed no difference, however, when you move the scrollbar, you will notice speed variations throughout the columns.

None of these speeds is incorrect or erroneous representations of parallax design. They’re just two distinct techniques for generating movement on the page, and this small illustration serves as an excellent way to understand a variety of possibilities.


Parallax Design

This is an intriguing parallax design for a wedding example page. It features a split-page design with parallax fixed scrolling that separates the several content sections. Everything is controlled via CSS, which is a great touch, and all background pictures remain static when the user scrolls down the website. This effect is achieved by huge box shadows falling over the backgrounds in the content regions. Naturally, this imparts a sense of depth to the page by imbuing it with a theoretical light source and hierarchy. Excellent concept for a single-page layout.


CSS Parallax

css parallax effects

This parallax effect is a one-of-a-kind demonstration of how parallax effects operate. The whole page’s content is contained under a big hero picture that vanishes behind the scrolling text. Additionally, this technique utilises the fixed picture location to create the illusion that the page is moving over the image, rather than having the image remaining fixed in place. You may replicate this effect with a lengthy scrolling layout for a similar design approach. This, I believe, would work best for single blog articles with huge featured pictures or landing sites with enormous hero images to draw the viewer’s attention.


Parallax & Fixed Image Backgrounds

Fixed picture backdrops are effective for segmenting websites and equally dividing text parts. As you scroll, the individual page parts may appear to be taller than the backdrop pictures. This is intentional since it helps bring the parallax illusion to life while scrolling. I would not use this style exactly because the content sections appear to be rather small. However, if you enjoy this design, I would propose punctuating each page part with a unique image that is relevant to your website.


Simple Image Tag Parallax

css parallax effects

Frequently, parallax designs are used in conjunction with big full-screen backdrop pictures. These are all too prevalent on corporate websites and startup websites, where the backdrop is typically scrolled at a parallax “scroll speed.” The distinction here is not so much in the speed with which you scroll down the page or the size of the picture placement. Rather than that, you observe how quickly the picture travels through the page’s backdrop as you scroll. It’s a minor parallax effect, but this layout serves as a great demonstration of the various animation rates.


CSS Scrolling Parallax

Here’s a much more realistic parallax effect, complete with fixed background and larger top pages. Each page part displays above the background as you scroll. This gives a sense of depth and is a critical component of a successful parallax design. Sebastian Schepis created this page entirely with CSS, and it’s a really straightforward concept. I believe that anyone could easily clone this, not to mention that the backdrop design might be significantly improved.


The Great Fall

css parallax effects

This parallax example is one of the most distinctive user interfaces I’ve ever encountered. It creates a waterfall sprite using a custom script that appears to flow indefinitely down the page. It’s composed of canvas elements that are controlled by JavaScript, thus it’s a rather sophisticated setup. This is mostly a tribute to what is achievable with contemporary web development. Acquiring knowledge of the canvas element enables you to have a great deal of influence over your design.



These were our collection of some of the best css parallax effects examples. All examples offer free source code, so you can play around with snippets and even use them in your own projects. We hope you liked our collection of these css parallax effects. The link of each effect is given in the description. Enjoy!

Posted in CSS